TimelessSkinCare Clinic offers permanent solutions for your Laser Hair Removal requirements in Central London. We use Gold standard hair removal laser GentleLASE (suitable for light to light brown skin types) and Soprano ICE (suitable for all skin types). These advanced hair removal laser machines offer gentle and effective ways to stop hair growth. Their superior technology means you will get better results with fewer treatments, achieving smoother hair-free skin faster than clinics that use older machines. Our principal therapist, Sonia, has been running Timeless Skincare since 2008. In 2023, she started offering nutritional therapy, dietary advice and functional testing. Meet Sonia at our new website at www.dietclinic.co.uk.
What type of laser hair removal treatment do you offer?
Men and women can spend many thousands of pounds during their lifetime on eradicating hair on the face and body. Laser hair removal is a quick, safe and effective treatment that gets rid of unwanted hair for good.
At TimelessSkinCare Clinic, a world-class laser hair removal clinic in central London, we offer patients the innovative and virtually pain-free Soprano ICE laser.
The Soprano ICE laser is at the forefront of laser technology and it is suitable for use on men and women of any skin type. It can now also be used all year round whereas previously hair removal by laser was often restricted during the summer months. As one of the best laser hair removal clinic London, you can trust us to offer you pain-free laser hair removal at low costs without compromising on quality.
Soprano ICE offers breakthrough hair removal technology using a diode laser based on an Alexandrite wavelength, allowing for even better energy absorption by the melanin chromophore.
The powerful absorption that is possible with the Alex wavelength combined with the contact cooling, treatment coverage, comfort and low maintenance of the diode laser provides an ideal solution for the widest range of hair types and colour – especially light-coloured and thin hair.
Another innovation in technology is ICE, an advanced cooling technology that cools the skin during treatment for longer periods of time. The ICE tech cold sapphire tip minimizes the risk of burns on the skin surface while maintaining heat within the dermis where hair follicles are treated. Contact cooling increases patient comfort, making treatments more enjoyable than ever before.
What does a laser hair removal treatment entail?
Initially you will have a consultation with your Timeless Skin practitioner. We will conduct a patch test to determine if you’re suitable and then advise you on the number of sessions you will likely require.
The Soprano device delivers pulses of laser energy into the dermis destroying hair follicles at their base. The laser energy is attracted to melanin in the hair meaning it causes no damage to the surrounding skin. The dead follicle will then no longer be able to produce hair.
A number of laser hair removal sessions are necessary because hair grows in cycles, so not all follicles can be targeted in one session. The Soprano is superior to other hair removal options, such as IPL, due to its ability to treat darker skin types, but these patients may require more sessions as a lower strength may need to be employed for safety purposes. With us, you can be sure of getting the best deal regarding laser hair removal.
The laser device will be passed over the skin, heating up the dermis. Patients at our central London clinic report there is a pin-pricking sensation, but discomfort is minimal. After your treatment your practitioner will apply an ice pack to cool the skin.
What makes us the best laser hair removal clinic in London?
- Soprano ICE is the most advanced hair removal technology available
- Avoids all the problems associated with shaving, such as ingrown hairs or thick stubble – laser hair removal gives you smooth, hair-free legs permanently
- Most long-term hair removal treatments are usually quite painful; Soprano ICE is relatively pain-free
- Can be used on all areas of the body and face including more sensitive areas
- Suitable for all skin types and at our Goodge Street clinic we are experienced in treating darker skin types
What results can I expect from laser hair removal?
If patients commit to a full course of treatments – usually eight sessions with a period of four to six weeks between each session – they will see a permanent hair reduction. It may be necessary to have a top-up treatment occasionally as sometimes long dormant hair follicles can start producing hairs.
What does a laser hair removal treatment cost at Timeless Skincare & Laser in London?
The cost of an individual session at Timeless Skin depends on the area that is being treated. A treatment programme will be recommended in your initial consultation that will estimate the number of sessions you require. For our price list, click here.
More about laser hair removal
1. What is Laser Hair Removal and Can It Solve My Unwanted Hair Problems – Permanently?
There are a lot of myths, misconceptions and half-truths about laser hair removal out there. Whether you are surfing the internet or asking your friends, you may not be getting the full story. We are here to tell you all about laser hair removal.
The top two questions that we get asked are: “What is laser hair removal?” And “Does it really get rid of hair permanently?”
You probably want answers to those questions too! Let’s answer your second question first, as it is so controversial. The answer is Yes – and No.
Yes, laser hair removal treatments can permanently remove one or more individual hairs from your skin. That is to say, individual hair follicles (the root cells from which your hair grows) can be fully, permanently disabled by the laser treatment – so that a new hair will NOT grow from that follicle.
However, as the current state of the technology stands, no laser hair removal treatment will permanently and completely free a whole section of your body from all hair growth.
Now that you know the full truth about the permanence of laser hair removal, let’s go back to your first question, “What is laser hair removal?” and give you a full answer to that question and a proper understanding of how it works. Then you’ll fully understand and appreciate how laser hair removal can validly claim to rid you of hair permanently – and why it may – or may not - be a complete hair removal answer for you, for any particular part of your body.
With many products and services these days, it is enough to know some very basic information and then go out for a session. However, laser hair removal treatment requires you to be a bit more knowledgeable than that, if you want to get the very best results possible. It’s important to learn as much as you can about laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal, in brief, is the application of a special laser to the skin, which passes harmlessly through the skin to target the hair follicles beneath. The laser damages or disables the hair follicle, causing the hair to be shed and, under ideal conditions, the follicle to be permanently disabled such that the hair will not re-grow.
2. How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Before we look at how laser hair removal actually works, you should have a basic understanding of the structure of the skin and hair and understand how hair grows under normal conditions.
Below the skin each individual hair originates from a bulb-like pouch, the follicle. The part of the hair that we see “above ground”, as it were, is the shaft of the hair.
Did you know that the forehead has more hair per square centimeter than other parts of the body? However, these are vellus hairs which are very pale, small and thin. The hairs that we women typically would like to be without are darker, thicker hairs, which can be found on various parts of the body. These are called terminal hairs.
Sometimes, follicles that have been producing terminal hair change and shrink and start producing vellus hairs instead. This is what happens on men’s scalps when they exhibit male-pattern baldness.
So for hair removal to be considered a success, what we are really seeking is for the hair follicles that are currently producing terminal hairs to either be completely disabled so they do not produce any hair, or convert to producing unnoticeable vellus hairs. When laser hair removal is successful, it works by a combination of these two outcomes.
Our hairs grow in cycles, in a mosaic pattern. At any one time, a hair follicle will be in one of the following stages:
1) Anagen – this is the active growth stage, and can last for several years. The length of the growth phase depends on many things, including health, physiology and nutrition. It can also be affected by some medicines. At any one time, around 80% or more of our hair is in this phase. There is a lot of melanin present in the hair and the hair follicle during this stage. Laser hair removal treatment actively targets these hair follicles.
2) Catagen – during this stage, the hair is no longer actively growing, but it is not ready to be shed. This stage of the cycle lasts about two weeks, and usually less than 5% of our hairs are in this stage at any one time.
3) Telogen – in this stage the hair is getting ready to be shed. It is a resting stage for the hair follicle, and lasts around 5 or 6 weeks, at the end of which time the hair is shed and falls out. Then the follicle goes back into the active growth (anagen) stage. About 10% or so of our hair is usually in the telogen stage at any one time.
Why do you care about these different stages of hair growth? Well, laser hair removal, as we’ve mentioned, actively targets hairs in the anagen phase. In addition, each individual follicle is likely to need a number of treatments, several weeks apart, before it is sufficiently disabled to stop producing new terminal hairs.
Understanding how hair grows, the different stages of hair growth and the different skin types will be particularly important when we look in detail at the different types of lasers that are in use today for laser hair removal. It is crucial that you can figure out which lasers will be appropriate for you, as most clinics only use one type of laser – if it is not the ideal one for your skin and hair type, they are unlikely to point this out! You need to be fully informed so that you can find and insist on the very best treatment.
In an ideal world, this is how laser hair removal would work:
1) The laser ray is tuned for maximum absorption by the melanin in the hair follicles and minimal absorption by any melanin present in the skin itself.
2) The depth of the laser is exactly tuned to focus within your skin at the depth where your actively growing hair follicles reside.
3) The laser is applied by the laser operator in such a way that all of the area you wish to have treated is covered thoroughly, without missing any hairs, but without over-exposing any sections of skin either.
4) An effective cooling mechanism is utilized along with the laser so that your skin cells do not overheat, while allowing the maximum strength of laser beam to be directed at the follicles, providing the best chance of fully disabling them.
5) Follow up treatments are scheduled at the correct intervals when any follicles that were not fully disabled during prior treatments have started actively growing again.
The smooth skin has always been a mark of femininity and beauty, from here and the natural desire to remove excess hair on the body (permanent laser hair removal).
Until the emergence of lasers and lamps with intense pulsed light (IPL), intended for epilation, the classic methods of hair removal (plucking, shaving, creams etc) were evidently struck by a multitude of disadvantages (short duration of effect, irritations and superficial infections, postinflamatory spots and hairs grown under the skin, etc.).
The ability to aim and selectively destroy the hair follicles, without damaging the surrounding skin, with laser, has revolutionized the treatment of excessive hair grouth, offsetting all the shortcomings of previous methods.
The principle of treatment is to transfer a large amount of energy through the skin to a target level, which in the case of epilation is the pigment of the hair. As a result of energy absorption at the hair follicle level, it is destroyed and the hair growth is stopped without affecting the surrounding skin.
In order to be able to act effectively, the hair it must be in the active phase of growth (Anagen), in which its root is highly pigmented and has maximum thickness so that it has the ability to absorb the energy supplied by the laser. Given that, at some point, only a small part of the total number of follicles existing in different parts of the body are active, more sessions are needed for an effective permanent laser hair removal treatment.
The effects are visible from the first session, being evident the reduction and thinning of the hairs in the treated region. In a short time, the skin becomes smooth, fine and uniform by eliminating stains and irritations, used by other epilation methods.
Any unwanted reactions are very rare and generally transient, under the conditions of proper application of treatment, by the specially trained personnel to perform this treatment. Slight burns may occur (persistent redness of the skin), sometimes with the formation of crusts or local changes of pigmentation (hypo or hyperpigmentation), which are usually transient.
The results of the treatment vary greatly from one person to another, being influenced by many factors:
– The type of hair and skin type (phenotypes with fair skin, thick and dark hair are best suited to treatment),
– Associated endocrinological disorders, which may interfere with the effect of treatment (polycystic ovary, thyroid disease, etc.),
– Age, diet, local metabolism of hair, growth cycle, etc.
Very important is that, although as in any field, there are exceptions, they are rare, and most patients respond to treatment. Reducing hair growth on treated areas is often spectacular, and the rare remaining hairs grow much slower, lighter and much thinner.
This way are successfully eliminated problems related to folliculitis or ingrown hairs (grown under the skin), and which generates unsightly hyperpigmented spots (especially in the groin and on the calves). Also, at face level it avoids harming and repeated irritation, by shaving, plucking or avulsion with wax, which, over time, lead to unwanted changes in the texture of hair and skin at this level.
The optimum time to start the treatment is the cold season, because the treated areas are usually protected from the sun, and the untanned, light-coloured skin is best suited for the application of the treatment. Thus, until next summer, the skin will look already much better...