Fat Reduction & Cellulite Treatment
Two common body concerns for women are stubborn pockets of fat and cellulite and they usually go hand-in-hand. Cellulite is an incredibly common problem for women, thought to affect up to 98% of adult females worldwide to some degree. The appearance of cellulite can vary from very mild, which is only noticeable when you pinch the skin, to very severe cellulite that is visible even when standing or stretching out.
Even very slim and toned women can suffer from cellulite and although there is no proven cause there are certain factors that are thought to influence how much cellulite you have and how visible it appears. These include poor diet or faddy dieting, a slow metabolism, lack of exercise, amount of body fat and the thickness of your skin.
Also, even men and women who are very fit and at their ideal body weight can suffer from small pockets of fat that just won’t shift however stringent a diet and exercise routine they follow. These localised fat deposits can mar the smooth and taut body contours they are hoping to achieve.
At Timeless Skin, based in the centre of London, we offer our patients a range of cellulite treatments that can effectively and safely reduce fat.
The Valashape is used to treat cellulite and circumferences reduction. The Velashape is a device that combines elos technology (IR & RF) with mechanical manipulation of the skin using gentle vacuum suction with or without mechanical manipulation. It is designed to treat a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite. It is also indicated for temporary reduction of thighs circumferences. The system is designed to be safe, effective and painless.
Am I suitable for Velashape treatments?
There are different types of cellulite and at your consultation for Cellulite Removal at our central London clinic you’ll be examined so our practitioner can assess the degree of cellulite and then advise you on the results you’re likely to achieve. We have a number of potential treatment options for Cellulite Reduction and these can either be performed as standalone treatments or combined to achieve the optimum results.
Most patients that are fit and well are suitable for either the Velashpae, MesoSLIM. These are not weight loss procedures so are best suited to men and women who are not significantly overweight.
Velashape & MesoSLIM can be used on the arms, thighs, stomach, and also on the double chin area.
Your practitioner will take your medical history to ensure you are suited for all these treatments.
What does Velashape treatment entail?
Women in France have long been in the know that mesotherapy(aka MesoSLIM) is a highly effective treatment for cellulite and now our London Cellulite Reduction patients can take advantage. A specially designed cocktail of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, anti-oxidants and amino acids is delivered deep into the middle layer of our skin. These then stimulate our metabolism, lymphatic drainage, blood circulation and fat breakdown, all of which combine to greatly improve the appearance of cellulite.
Another treatment option is Velashape which utilises infrared(IR) and radio frequency (RF) current to reduce localised fat deposits. By activating collagen production it can improve the appearance of the overlying skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
We often combine these treatments together to maximise the effect of the treatments. It is highly effective when combined with heat technologies such as IR and RF energy with chemical based lipolysis such as MesoSLIM.
There is no need for a topical anaesthetic to be applied as these treatments are completely non-invasive and pain-free.
What are the benefits of a cellulite & fat reduction treatment?
- Visible improvement in the ‘orange peel’ appearance of the skin on the buttocks or thighs
- Skin is thicker and smoother
- All procedures are minimally invasive and no downtime
- A safe and effective way to eradicate fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise
What results can I expect from Velashape treatment?
Results for our Cellulite Reduction treatments vary greatly from patient to patient, depending on the type and extent of their cellulite.
Velashape significant reduces appearance of cellulite and smoothens skin after weight loss or pregnancy.
The results are visible even after your fist treatment. After 6-8 weeks patients notice more toned and smooth body contours revealed and the skin laxity is also improved.
We offer the option of Velashape as a standalone treatment or to be used in combination with MesoSLIM to achieve optimum results.
What does Velashape treatment cost at Timeless Skincare?
Lower Abdomen, Buttocks, Upper arm, Flanks £100 per session
Back of the thighs & buttocks £150, Thighs (all around) £150, Entire thighs (inner, front, back) and buttocks £200